Reimyo's Activities 2012 to 2013
January 2012
5th: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group, at Dortmund (Germany).
February 2012
6th to 8th: Annual three-days course on the Buddhist philosophy, this year on Shantideva´BODHICARYAVATARA, at the University of Dortmund (Germany), Sociology Faculty, 3rd Age Studies Department. The course is given in German.
15th: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group, at Dortmund.
26th to 27th: In the frame of the interreligious dialogue Buddhist-Christian: invitation to meet the Community of Bethel, of Brussels, a project issued by Dominican sisters, to provide a life in semi community to women living alone and wanting to practise a spiritual way, on the model of Beguines. ReiMyo´s Buddhist itinerary and the life in Myoho-An Hermitage in Dortmund (following the Ryokan´s Japanese model) forms he core of this first meeting. Marianne Goffoel, one of the initiator of the project Bethel and Dominican Sister, Founder and Director of the Brussels center "El Kalima" for Christian-Islam relations, encourages a Christian Buddhist dialogue which through regular further visits should take place.
March 2012
1st: Visit to "Voies de l'Orient" in Brussels, a Christian-Buddhist Center with a team of different streams of the Asian and Christian traditions led by Jacques Scheuer, Jesuit, Director of the Asian Institute at the University of Leuven, the Neuw and its dependance, at the Faculties Notre Dame in Namur.
14th: Monthly teaching in a Buddhist group, at Dortmund.
15th: ReiMyo´s first draft is finished. The manuscript is written in French and includes 12 selected Koans from "Shumon Kattoshu" parallely completed with the yogacara view from the Lankavatara Sutra, followed by a commentary by ReiMyo. The search for a publisher starts.
April 2012
2nd: Meeting in Brussels with Mr. Philippe D´Haeyere, President of the Belgian Buddhist Union.
3rd: Interreligious Dialogue contact: Second visit in the Community of Bethel, Brussels, and meeting with Ignace Berten, Prior of the Dominican Community, Brussels.
8th: Buddhás Birthday (Vesakh) according the Japanese ZenTradition. Ceremony in Myoho-An, Dortmund, led in parallel with the Rinzai Temple of Hokoji (Hammamatsu), Japan.
11th: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group, at Dortmund.
18th to 23rd: A visit to Paris, namely to attend at the Musee Guimet the exhibition on Japanese Calligraphy and contemporary Japanese calligraphers. Oi Saidan Roshi, ReiMyo´s Guide and Zen Master, being a well known Zen calligrapher in Japan.
26th: Buddhist teaching, for the individually interested, at Dortmund.
May 2012
2nd to 5th: Interreligious Dialogue: The annual visit to Abbey of Notre Dame of Soleilmont (Cistercean Sisters) in Fleurus, Belgium. Since 2007 a dialogue with the community is actively engaged.
Reimyo´s published in 2011 "On Dialogue" (in SMT Review – Swedish Missiological Themes, Uppsala, vol. 99 no. 2, 2011, pp 217-226) relating the steps of entering in dialogue with the cistercean monastic setting of Soleilmont. Discussion theme of this year: The factors to promote the plurality of religion. The Dalai Lama´s "Towards a true kinship of Faith – How the world´s religions can come together", that we were mutually acquainted served as the starting point of the exchange between the Christian and the Buddhist view on acceptance of other faiths and ways to cultivate the kinship of faith.
4th to 14th: 3rd visit in Mallorque (Spain), the northern part of the island near the Travamonta Mountains where ReiMyo practices "angya", a Japanese form of travelling for the sake of a Buddhist practice), on foot, alone or, in a day-walking group. Visit of mountain hermitages (la Trappa and Maria de Puig at Pollenca) reconverted in a hotel or in an area of protection for birds fauna.
18th: Budddhist teaching for individuals, at Dortmund.
23rd: The monthly teaching for a Buddhist group, at Dortmund.
June 2012
7th to 9th: 3rd visit to the Community of Bethel, Brussels. The interreligious dialogue with Sister Marianne Goffoel starts. A date for her visit in "Myoho-An" is fixed for July.
16th: Buddhist teaching for individuals, at Dortmund.
27th: Monthly teaching in a Buddhist group, at Dortmund.
28th: Buddhist teaching for individuals, at Dortmund.
July 2012
17th to 19th: Interreligious Dialogue: The Belgian Dominican Sister Marianne Goffoel visits Myoho-An Hermitage in Dortmund.
25th: Buddhist teaching for individuals.
31st: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group.
August 2012
8th: Buddhist teaching for individuals.
22nd: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group. The 3 natures of the Mind by Vasabandhu with commentaries.
September & October 2012
5th: Buddhist teaching to individuals.
10th of September: Departure to India (Kerala) with the Abbess of Soleilmont/Belgium to the Cistercian branch in India, the Ashram Ananda Matha of Kunnumbetta.
November 2012
15th: Return from India (Kerala).
16th to 17th: Meeting in Abbey of Soleimont/Belgium.
18th: First contact with Sister Gaetane, DIM responsible at the Benedictine Abbey in Liege/Belgium.
19th to 20th: Interreligious dialogue in the Dominican community and the lay community "Bethel" of Brussels.
21st: In the frame of meeting week, lecture at Hotel de Ville, Brussels, on the feminine scripture in the interpretation of canonic text of their different tradition (Muslim, Christian, Buddhist).
22nd: Return to Myoho-An, Zen hermitage in Dortmund (Germany).
December 2012
1st to 8th: Retreat for Rohatsu in Dortmund (Germany).
Januar 2013
16th: The monthly teaching in a Buddhist group.
February 2013
4th to 5th: Dortmund Sutra Study Days: Lankavatara Sutra in Hotel NeuHaus, Am Ostwall 16, Dortmund (Germany).
For further information contact Gudrun Bode,
March 2013
4th- Lecture “ in House of Lava “-in Brussels – presentation of ReiMyo`s autobiographical essay “The irresitible pulse of elsewhere” published in Namur,2012, Editions namuroises.
5th-Brussels Meeting for a polyphonic project between 3 feminine voices in interreligious dialogue with Marianne Goffoel(Dominican)Aicha Haddou(Muslim)ReiMyo Tierelinckx(Zen Buddhism),
6th- RTBF –Brussels interview of ReiMyo in the frame of the Brussels Book Fair on her published autobiography-
11-14th Rome journey –individual visit in the antique Rome and churches of the first centuries of the institutional Roman Church
21st-Monthly Buddhist Teaching in the Dortmund Group
APRIL 2013
8th –Buddh’as Birthday celebration according to the Japanese Zen Calendar (Vesakh ) together with the Holocaust Day Memorial- in Myoho-An ,her Zen Ermitage in Dortmund
16th=23rd: Interreligious Dialogue: Journey to the Christian Egypt- together with DECERE-Dominican from Strassburg, with a group of 12 people,5 Belgians and 7 French,, guests and guided by IDEO the Dominican Agency of Oriental studies in Cairo.Lectures on the actual situation in Egypt and concerns of future of the Christians in Egypt,Ideo included.
23rd-25th Stay in the Bethel DominicanCommunity,Brussels
May 2013
2nd : Singer member of the Seniors’s Choir Reinoldi Church,Dortmund –an a cappella Choir- .
23rd: Monthly Buddhist Teaching in the Dortmund Group
24th-26th Buddhist Seminar on the text Mahayana Uttaratantra Sastra explained according to the Tibetan Gelugpa School by Lama Losang Drime (Dr, Birgit Schweiberer). Held in the Vietnamese Pagode of Hannover.
June 2013
16th : Senior’s Choir Performance in Ochtrup (Muesnter-Germany) and reception in the Lutherian Community
18th: Monthly Buddhist Teaching in the Dortmund Group
22nd: Meeting Day of the” Polyphonic Project” in Brussels.A book from these meetings should take place.
27th to 1st of July: - Meeting of the ” European network for Buddhist Christian studies” .Theme:the history of Christianism and the history of Buddhism .in Ghent, Oude Abdij-(Belgium)”
JULY 2013
4th-18th: in Spain
24th: Monthly Dortmund Buddhist Group
October 2013
October 5th: giving a seminar on Shantideva “Bodhicaryavatara” chapter 6- Voies de l’Orient-Brussels (Belgium)
7th-11th: interreligious Dialogue – visit in Roma(Italy)
25-27th:annual congress of the German Buddhist Union(DBU) in Duesseldorf
1st: registration for the “Dortmunder Sutra Studies Days” of 10-11th February 2014 in Hotel Neuhaus,Dortmund-City (Germany).
1st -8th December: Rohatsu retreat in Myoho-An-Dortmund.