Her Buddhist Teaching
ReiMyo´s Buddhist Teaching is expressed in 3 ways:
1. Giving seminars on the Buddhist philosophy through Mahayana Sutras, at the University or in private organizations. Compact seminars of 3 days (weekends) or a 5-day seminar, for a large non-Buddhist audience wishing to approach the Buddhist philosophy through a Buddhist practioner and confirmed teacher in the Dharma. Her seminars are led in French, English, and German.
2. For small groups or individuals wishing to deepen the attended Buddhist Seminar with her, for those in search of a Buddhist way or for the 3rd Age taking time to cope with altering processes and their life experience into a Buddhist comprehension of existence turned to less fear of the future and selfaccomplishment in the last phase of life.
Each group defines itself the regular rate of the teaching (one or twice a month), as well as the honorar paid to the teacher according their financial means. A kind of Buddhism «à la carte».
3. For Zen advanced students wishing to cope the Koan Training together with support of the Study of Lankavatara Sutra, Roshi ReiMyo wrote »Reverse the support or the support of the sutra in the Koan Training« in which a selection of 10 Koans are exposed with the yogacara philosophy and her comments and can be integrated in a Zen Sesshin (collective or individual) with her.
About her seminars
Her seminars deal with authentical or apocryphal texts – the sutras – of the Mahayana Buddhism. They provide the students a theoretical and correct basis on the teaching of the historical Buddha (6th century B.C.), whereas the praxis of these philosophical principles should be done in the Meditation Centers or Buddhist monasteries in Europe, North America or Asia, led by confirmed teachers in a Buddhist Tradition.
Structures of her seminars
The Philosophy of the Buddhism Mahayana is introduced with a presentation of the different Buddhist schools existing today, their historical and geographical differencies as well as their different accents, namely between the earlier Buddhism (Therevada or Hinayana) and the late Buddhism called Mahayana.
1. The historical setting of sutras with the criterion fixing the authenticity of a canonic text, the translation function and its consequences, the accent of the actual translation are presented in the seminar.
2. The place of the exposed sutra among the other sutras, explanation of the original tilte in correlation with the English translation, and
3. A general view of the sutra content followed by an analysis of the chapters or of some key chapters are studied.
4. At the end of each exposure (50 minutes to 90 minutes), time for questions and discussions are reserved (15 minutes).
A summary of the studied sutra is distributed to the students the last day of the seminar.
Here is the list of the sutras she teaches:
1. The Mayayana SUTRA of the RICE SPROUTS
2. LANKAVATARA-Entry in Lanka
SHASTRA (Treatise) she teaches:
1. VASUBANDHU, A teaching on the three natures of the Mind (Tri svabhava nirdesa)
2. Treatise on the origin of Faith in Mahayana by Avagosha
3. Shantideva's A Guide of the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Bodhicarya vatara)
Dortmund Sutra Study Days (DSS)
The Sutra teaching – core of her Buddhist teaching and her form to adapt Buddhism in the cultural European frame – began in 2001 at the University of Dortmund (Germany), first at the Faculty of Philosophy as a semester course (2001-2006), then in the Senior Studies integrated in the Sociology Department in a 3days seminar (2007-2012). A large audience of students attending the annual seminars of Buddhist philosophy, beyond religious faith or Buddhist practice, not only showed that a demand exists but also constituted a regular group of participants.
Roshi ReiMyo encourages the formation of small groups, after her seminars, for the participants wishing to study further the sutra or some points they wish to deepen, together with her. The seminars of the Dortmund Sutra Study Days (DSS) will be held from 2013 on in a Dortmund hotel. (See Activities.)
Some highlights of her seminars in the University of Dortmund, Germany, in 2012: